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About Me..

My name is Wayne Jones. I am an aspiring front-end developer. I have been studying HTML, CSS, JavaScript and C# remotely with Kodehode. As well as studying through the Scrimba online learning platform. In addition I have studied Python independently.

I began my computer programming journey many years ago, when I initially learnt how to program in Commodore BASIC, at a time when personal computers were still in it's infancy. My first computer was a Commodore VIC-20. It was a very simple machine, by today's standards, but it allowed me the chance to learn and become familiar with programming.

My father worked for the Canadian government, as a meteorologist, who helped program weather models into the computers. He is the one who got me interested in these mysterious machines, as a boy. Going to his office and seeing these large machines with tape reels spinning around, certainly got my attention. The day he brought the VIC-20 home, opened up a whole new world to me.

I was excited to build my own programs from my imagination, at a time when few of my friends owned their own machine. My father taught me the fundamentals of programming and it didn't take me long to build up some skill and knowledge and then wanted to show off my new skills, in computer class. The teacher and other students would ask me how to do things on the machines.

My education background is in business and finance. I graduated with distinction from the University of Winnipeg in 2001 with a degree in Business & Administration. In addition I obtained my Canadian Securities Course (Canadian financial industry credential), which is a certified course of the Canadian Securities Institute. Today I am studying front end development through Kodehode and Scrimba.

My personal interests are reading, training and travelling.